40 years of experience home raising healthy and bouncy puppies from happy free range parents. We are a small kennel and ALL of our dogs know their names and play outside every day, weather permitting. Our puppies are super clean, socialized, vet checked, happy and healthy. We specialize in small lapdogs-Teacup/Imperial, Toy and Mini Shih Tzu, Teddy Bears, Shichons, Shinese, Shichi, Doodles and American Shepherds & Australian Shepherds.
Click the puppy tab for available puppies. If you're ready to adopt click the puppy adoption tab for more information. We are located on the eastern side of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in Linn County.
Email : Irishlanekennel@gmail.com
Phone: 563-289-7877
Video ~ All about the Shih Tzu!
Email: Irishlanekennel@gmail.com
Phone: 563-289-7877
*Zuchon is Shih Tzu/Bichon mix aka Shichon or Teddy Bear :) usually under 20 pounds when grown and non shedding.
* Shichis are Shih Tzu/Chihuahua coats vary between smooth and long. These are smaller with loving but spunky personalities.
Aussiedoodles are Australian Shepherd and Poodle mix.
Irish Lane Kennel. Home raised puppies from happy, healthy dog parents in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We have non shed, low shed & hypoallergenic small puppy. Shih Tzu, Bichon, Shinese crosses. Minature American Shepherd puppy. Large puppies too Doodles & AKC Australian Shepherds. Car delivery can be arranged to Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota & Nebraska. Flight nanny services too.
Irish Lane Kennel Non shedding small, teacup, toy, mini low shed, non shed, hypoallergenic puppy for adoption ~Shih Tzu, Bichon, Peke mix, Shishon , Teddy Bear, mini, toy and teacup, imperial,. Miniature American Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Minnesota, Iowa City, Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, Moline, Illinois, Peoria, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Omaha, Nebraska
Mailing address: Irish Lane Kennels ~ PO BOX 251~ Mount Vernon, Iowa ~
Friendly Pets
Well trained and well socialized dogs make the best forever friends. Learn more here.
Keep them healthy
A top quality diet will help with potty training and ensure a long, healthy life. Buy the best dog food you can reasonably afford and make sure to do regular veterinary visits.
Never punish your puppy harshly for potty issues or chewing stuff the first several weeks you have them. Redirect the behavior. Save the scolding for when they are older. Patience pays off !
Delivery is available with a flight nanny for an additional cost to the following states-weather permitting. *WE DO NOT SHIP CARGO*
Alabama, Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming.
Irish Lane Kennels All rights reserved. No photos may be reproduced without written permission.